A classic depiction of Goddess Durga

Goddess Durga – The Hindu Goddess who always wins!

Goddess Durga is one of the most important Hindu Goddesses. She is the most powerful one! She has many different names, but you’ll commonly find Maa Durga when referring to her, which means “Mother Durga”. Essentially in Hindu Mythology, many Goddesses, called Devi, are manifestations of Shakti or manifestations of other Devi. She can be considered …


The Wawalak – Twin Goddesses of Motherhood

Attributes: Goddesses of fertility, motherhood, tenderness and love Symbols: Laces and knots Place: Australia Many of the Australian natives believe that the world was created when the ancient Gods and Goddesses woke from their sleep under the earth and decided to walk on the plane above. These beings were so powerful that they created the …


Nephthys – Goddess of Night and Death

Attributes: Goddess of death, mourning, utilities, night and rivers Symbols: House, basket, kite, and mummies Place: Egypt Nephthys or Nebthet is a Goddess of Night of ancient Egypt. Her parents are Nut and Geb, gods of heaven and earth, respectively. She is the sister of Osiris and Isis, and typically the two sisters were placed …


Estsanatlehi – Goddess of Fertility and Fresh Starts

Attributes: Fertility, Cycles, Rejuvenation Symbols: Earth, Corn and Turquoise Place: North America Artifact depicting Estsanatlehi The Goddes Estsanatlehi (the pronunciation is something like es-ta-nah-tle-hee) is a Goddess worshiped in the Navajo tribe in the Arizona region of North America. According to her myth, Estsanatlehi was found by Atse Estsan, the first woman, next to a mountain. …


Goddess Isis – Egyptian Goddess of Love and Magic

The Goddess Isis is one of the most popular Egyptian Goddesses nowadays and in Egyptian Mythology. She is usually depicted with great wings in her paintings and worshipped for thousands of years in Egypt. Isis represents magic, the power of love and protection. You can watch the video below or continue reading this article for …


Goddess Ukemochi – Shinto Goddess of Cooking and Food

Goddess Ukemochi is a Shinto Goddess responsible for cooking and food, especially grains. There are several grain-related deities, such as Goddess Inari, for example, and Ukemochi is often seen as an aspect of Goddess Toyouke (in the main image here) and Goddess Ogetsuhime which can lead us to see Ukemochi as a Goddess Triple. Although …


Kuan Yin – Goddess of Compassion and Mercy

In the Buddhist religion, the Goddess Kuan Yin is venerated by millions of people and regarded as the ultimate symbol of spiritual purity. For centuries she symbolized the great ideal of Mahayana Buddhism and she was destined to become a Buddha, but she renounced attaining Nirvana once she heard the cries of suffering people all …


Tiamat – Goddess of Chaos and Creation

Attributes: Goddess of chaos, creation, salt water and creativity Symbols: Dragons, Snakes, Earth, Water, Air, Fire and Metal Place: Mesopotamia / Babylon Many of us have heard of the Goddess Tiamat. Her presence, distorted or not, is usually popular as the mother of monsters or as a dragon with seven or nine heads, and she is …


Goddess Hekate – Goddess of Witches and Paths

The Goddess Hekate has power over the earth, over the sea and over the underworld and she has always been honored by other deities. Moreover, she had the exclusive prestige of Zeus, who gave her the power to grant or deny desires to mankind. You can watch the video below about the Goddess Hekate or …
